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Crysis 3 Beta

29/01 -13 16:28 The_new_cake


6336 XP 1408 inlägg

Idag släpps multiplayerbetan till Crysis 3. Det kommer med två spellägen, Hunter Mode och Crash Site Mode samt två banor; Museum och Airport. Betan avslutas den 12 februari 2013, så nu är det nog dags att dra igång.

Hunter Mode skrev:
This multiplayer game mode is all about the survival of the fittest. There are two teams, initially comprised of two permanently cloaked “Hunters”, and up to fourteen CELL troopers awaiting extraction. Each trooper slain respawns on the Hunter team to prey on their former allies, building to a frenetic climax. If any of the troopers survive the round, the hunters lose. Whichever way you play, Hunter Mode delivers a heart-pounding test of strategy and survival.

Crash Site Mode skrev:
This multiplayer game mode is the ultimate King of the Hill type experience. An Alien dropship deploys a pod at random around the map. Players on each team must remain near the dropped pod in order to capture the zone and accumulate points. Each alien pod holds two shields players can utilize defensively as weapons. In addition, each Crash Site map will have a “Pinger”, a CEPH-constructed walking weapon of mass destruction. But be careful, other players can hijack the Pinger while you’re inside of it!

Vad tycker ni? Har ni tänkt köpa Crysis 3 när det släpps? Verkar betan vara bra?

Crysis 3 Multiplayer Gameplay Tutorial: YouTube, Crysis

29/01 -13 17:25 MartinMilk

MartinMilk Forummoderator

17341 XP 1623 inlägg

borde va på wiiu

Wii U PS4 XBone PC

29/01 -13 19:40 ninen2001


4961 XP 1518 inlägg

Skulle varit kul att pröva. Men min dator klarar det antagligen inte

Fucking weebs...


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