
Fusk till Hercules Action Game på PC från www.fuska.nu.
Inskickat av MartinMilk den 2008-10-07

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The Hero's Gauntlet - Serpent, Medusa, Coin, Medusa
Centaur's Forest - Centaur, Hercules Silhouette, Minotaur, Archer
The Big Olive - Centaur, Coin, Serpent, Hercules Silhouette
Hydra Canyon - Coin, Gladiator Helmet, Coin, Soldier
Cyclops Attack - Gladiator Helmet, Pegasus, Hercules Silhouette, Archer
Titan Flight - Soldier, Coin, Coin, Thunder Bolt
Vortex of Souls - Soldier, Lightning Bolt, Soldier, Centaur
End - Pegasus, Soldier, Centaur, Soldier

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