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Ny trailer till rain: Two Silhouettes

Inskickat av The_new_cake den 30/05 -13 20:40

Sony släppte nyligen en ny trailer till spelet rain som kommer släppas hösten 2013. Vi får i denna trailer reda på mer om storyn i spelet, till jämförelse med den första gameplay-trailern.

Från första trailern fick man se hur man spelade som en osynlig pojke som blev synlig i regnet försökte komma ikapp en tjej samtidigt som han blev jagad av massa monster. Han lyckades hålla sig undan genom att gå under tak och på andra ställen där det inte regnade. Denna gången vänder man sig däremot till storyn.

As the boy chases after the girl, he enters the mysterious world of rain and learns that he has also become invisible. In the pouring rain, he is lost and frightened as he is hunted by ghostly creatures. But, his determination to save the girl only grows stronger and he presses on.

In the new trailer above, you will discover that eventually the paths of the invisible boy and girl collide. Each of the locations they’ll visit throughout the game varies dramatically from the next. For instance, the church where the boy and girl nearly meet on their venture houses a number of rooms near the altar and scaffolding to hide from enemies while the abandoned factory presents a more dangerous gritty setting with metal structures and high industrial walkways. It is here that the boy discovers that when he walks through mud he can be seen by any enemy and only by walking through a deep rain puddle to wash off the mud will he be able to hide once again.

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Den nya trailern, Two Silhouettes:

Den gamla gameplay-trailern, The Children and the Night:

Källa: http://blog.us.playstation.com/2013/05/30/rain-two-silhouettes/

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