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En 32 år gammal kille från Annat, Annat Kommun
771XPMedlem sedan 14/08 2005, kl 12:02 Senaste besök 17/06 2007, kl 00:47


Darkness is the absence of light. Scientifically it is only possible to have a reduced amount of light. The emotional response to an absence of light has inspired metaphor in literature, symbolism in art, and emphasis.

Darkness, in science, is a relatively low level of light.

As a poetic term, darkness can also mean the presence of shadows, evil, or depression.

Artistically, darkness can also be used to emphasize or contrast with light.

Darkness is referred to as being the opposite of light; following the less morally correct or evil way (Good and Evil).

The Dark path while not necessarily being evil is often thought of as the path that is non-moral; often associated with those who are self serving and short sighted. It is the path that leads quickly to power for those who have little regard for the people who might be affected for the worst by the actions of the individual seeking to rise.

Turning to Darkness is almost always the result of the loss of something dear to the individual who turns to darkness which in turn leads to the desire to fix the problem. Revenge on the killer of a loved one, the power to heal someone (be it mystical or medical) or the need for revenge against those who had hurt you, in this case the loss would be pride.

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Rockstar Social Club
Medlem sedan
14/08 2005, kl 12:02
Senast inloggad
17/06 2007, kl 00:47
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