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En 30 år gammal kille från Värmland, Arvika Kommun, Svamparnas rike
3183XPMedlem sedan 02/07 2008, kl 00:52 Senaste besök 21/12 2010, kl 23:15



Lyssnar på: Gothic-metal, Doom-metal, Black-metal, Post-punk, Death-metal, Darkwave, Gothic-Rock, Dark-Ambient, Alternative, Hardcore, etc. Listan fortsätter....
Namn: Kalla mej Cursed xP
Gör på fritiden: Spelar trummor, är med polare, lyssnar på musik, spelar på datorn, surfar på nätet, läser manga, photoshoppar, etc
Favorit film: Har ingen direkt favorit film. =P

Press guide: Skitbra klubb om du vill ha en snygg press, visa dina photoshop/gimp bilder för allmänheten eller få tips som kan göra dig till en bättre photoshoppare. ^^

Downtown: Någon random klubb där man snackar en massa random skit..
Någon random låt text

Faith and the Muse - The Red Crown

What can be offered to the Lost?
A tiny piece of Divinity?
But what - just to watch Them bring it to its knees?
To lose it without ever knowing what power it may possess?

Yes, kill it quickly -
Let it fall to the moment of Crisis
When what one has not chosen but accepts as their existance
Begins to show its scars
And the plans and the dreams of the Ideal Life
Have crumbled away.

Fall deeply into the Mundane -
Don't let the screaming that riots within have a voice -
Instead drown it in satisfying ridiculous lust -
Sudden desires that well up which tell one
That they must give in
Or life will end without meaning.

But these desires are second-hand - tired - designed...
A culture of repression with no imagination
Looks to Destruction
To feel alive.

The world will end...
They Say.
so why not watch it burn?

Heavy is the head that wears the crown.

Något random citat

"Satan has been the best friend the Church has ever had, as He has kept it in business all these years!"

-Anton LaVey

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Riktigt namn
Rockstar Social Club
Medlem sedan
02/07 2008, kl 00:52
Senast inloggad
21/12 2010, kl 23:15
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